Like in the past years, we encourage authors of papers published at PERCOM 2025 and affiliated events to participate in an Artifact Evaluation process. Authors who choose to participate can provide supplementary materials as artifacts (tools, applications, data sets, etc.) that will be reviewed solely for functional completeness (e.g., does provided code compile and run as expected; do experimental results match expected results, etc.). Participating authors will be allotted two additional pages in a separate Artifacts section of the proceedings to describe the nature and contents of the artifact package. Submission of artifacts packages will have no bearing on paper acceptance or publication. However, papers that have verified artifacts or data will be associated with badges in the conference program and proceedings. Two badges will be available: Artifact-Certified and Result-Certified. Upon submission, participating authors should indicate which badge(s) the committee should consider for the submission.
Artifacts of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
– Software, including implementations or simulations of systems or algorithms.
– Data repositories, including, e.g., logging data, system traces, survey raw data.
– Frameworks, including tools and services illustrating new approaches to pervasive computing systems and application development.
This list is not exhaustive; authors with questions about the suitability of an artifact should reach out to the artifact chairs.
The submitted artifacts can request for the following badges. The badging definitions are based on Reproducibility Badging at IEEE.

Artifact Submission
The submission process is straightforward and follows the following steps:
- Package software and datasets. Use a freely available tool, such as IEEE DataPort, VirtualBox; Docker container image; git/mercurial/svn repositories; or zip/tar files.
- Create an artifact guide. The guide can be up to 2 pages and should be prepended to a preliminary version of the accepted paper (as a single PDF file). The guide’s contents will vary based on the artifact but it should describe minimal software and hardware requirements, how to obtain and deploy the artifact, and what a reviewer should expect (e.g., the expected experimental results, or steps to navigate an application).
- Submit the artifact guide via EasyChair at
Mention requested badge type(s) on the EasyChair submission page.
The Review Process
The review process will have three phases:
- Initial Review. The reviewers will follow the instructions given in the artifact’s guide to ensure that artifacts can be deployed and run as described. Any bugs or questions will be documented as feedback.
- Artifact Revision. During the second phase, authors will be able to correct any bugs in their artifacts/guides to make sure reviewers can un-package and run the artifact before the deeper evaluation.
- Final evaluation. Reviewers perform their final evaluation to ensure that each artifact runs as expected and/or contains the expected data.
Note that the first two phases may be intertwined (several rounds) if authors and reviewers are quick in their communication; every submission is guaranteed at least one opportunity for revision.
Important Dates
- Registration of intent to submit an artifact: January 21, 2025
- Initial artifact submission deadline: January 28, 2025
- Artifact feedback and revision period: January 30-February 12, 2025
- Artifact evaluation notification (badge allotment):
February 12, 2025February 18, 2025 - Artifact guide camera ready deadline:
February 15, 2025February 24, 2025
For further information about the artifact submission and evaluation, please contact the artifacts chairs, Nirupam Roy ( or VP Nguyen (